WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.960 align:middle I see these young people, 2 00:00:04.120 --> 00:00:06.320 align:middle especially the young people here, 3 00:00:06.480 --> 00:00:09.800 align:middle who are true democrats. 4 00:00:09.960 --> 00:00:13.160 align:middle Because for so many years, 5 00:00:13.320 --> 00:00:15.840 align:middle maybe not 60, but certainly 50 years, 6 00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:19.080 align:middle nobody cared about the concentration camp, 7 00:00:19.240 --> 00:00:20.760 align:middle or about what had happened. 8 00:00:20.880 --> 00:00:23.040 align:middle Everyone kept quiet, nobody said a word. 9 00:00:23.200 --> 00:00:25.960 align:middle Today it's good that people talk about it. 10 00:00:26.120 --> 00:00:29.080 align:middle It's good for everyone. For us, for you, for everyone. 11 00:00:29.240 --> 00:00:31.280 align:middle Because democracy is freedom. 12 00:00:31.440 --> 00:00:35.360 align:middle I've already said it once or twice, and I'll say it again. 13 00:00:35.520 --> 00:00:39.040 align:middle It's a good thing. Living in a democracy is great. 14 00:00:39.200 --> 00:00:40.680 align:middle You can breathe freely.