New concept for the folders of reading materials

New concept for the folders of reading materials

LesemappenThe reports and pictorial
documents in the folders are ideal for individual visitors, in particular, who
want to get a better idea of specific exhibits in the exhibition. Arranged on
lecterns, they make use of reports by the inmates themselves and other source
documents to give their readers insights into the world of the former camp and
the later history of Dachau concentration camp. In the course of revising the
folders, their content was brought up to the latest state of research. Comments
and references, along with the easily comprehensible graphic concept, invite
the reader to go deeper into the material. The folders are assigned to the
appropriate divisions of the exhibition and treat the following topics:

The system of reading folders in individual divisions of the permanent exhibition “Dachau Concentration Camp, 1933 to 1945”


Division 3: The Beginnings of the Dachau
Concentration Camp, 1933

Coverage of Dachau concentration
Inspections as a stage for

Division 4:  Prisoners in the Dachau Concentration Camp,

Preventive detention provision
Arrivals of new inmates 1937–1938

Division 5: The Dachau
Concentration Camp under SS Command

Disciplinary and punishment
Schedule of duties for the SS and prisoner
functionaries on duty
SS training
Photographs of the SS area at Dachau
concentration camp

Division 6: Living Conditions in
the Camp, 1933–1939

Reports of life in the camp

Division 7:  The Dachau Concentration Camp during the
Period of Germany’s Military Conquests, 1939–1942“

Radicalization of the concentration
camp system
Vacating of the prison camp,
September 1939 to February 1940
Work and extermination
Harassment in the barracks
Disease and nursing
New groups of prisoners
Work crews
Expansion of the concentration
camp system
SS plans for after the “final
Murder of inmates

Division 8: The Dachau
Concentration Camp, 1942 to 1945

Progression of the war and
changes in the concentration camp system, 1942–43
Work, life, and death
Prisoner functionaries
SS and guard personnel

Division 11: Human Experiments,
Murder, and Resistance

Murder of prisoners unable to work
Dachau concentration camp as execution
site of Soviet prisoners of war
Prisoner transports
Solidarity and resistance

Division 12: The Last Months and

Collapse of the concentration camp
Dachau in the final phase

Division 13: History after 1945
Between liberation and returning
Dachau Trials
Dachau Internment Camp,
Testimony: forms of remembrance

Exhibition in the former camp
prison (“Bunker”):

Fate of inmates in the “Bunker”
Reports of inmates regarding the
Documents on the “Bunker”
Pictorial material on the “Bunker”
Special inmates (biographies, documents, reports)

Photos: © KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
