Exhibits and artefacts collection
The exhibit and artefact collection of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site contains a large variety of objects, artistic works, building or mobile relicts from the camp grounds, and archeological findings.
The majority of the objects are from the time of the Dachau concentration camp. There are however also material relicts from the postwar years. These include objects from the SS internment camp, a number of commemorative signs and items from the Dachau Memorial Site, and relicts from the use of the SS camp by the U.S. Army.
Objects from everyday life, work deployments, and the personal possession of the former prisoners of the concentration camp make up the majority of the collection Relicts from the SS camp are also kept. The art collection is mainly made up of graphic works and paintings. These were produced either during imprisonment in the camp or after liberation as the former prisoners sought ways of dealing with their ordeal and depicting their experiences.
Most of the objects are gifts to the collection. But there are also some loans and acquisitions. The Dachau Memorial Site is continuously enlarging its holdings of objects and every offer of objects relevant to the collection is extremely welcome.
Since 1998 archeological diggings have taken place on the grounds and surrounding area of the former Dachau concentration camp. The findings include bottles, dishware, remains of camp architecture, munition parts.
Most of the collection is inventoried and around half is catalogued in a databank. At present, only a small sample of the archaeological finds can be researched in the databank.
Alongside the archival collection, the collection of three-dimensional objects is an important pillar in the Memorial Site’s research work. Numerous objects are integrated into the permanent exhibition or are presented in temporary exhibitions. Loans are not permitted.