13th European Summer University in Ravensbrück

Internationally renowned scholars will meet with students, multipliers and interested citizens at the Ravensbrück Memorial. Introductory lectures on the following main topics will be held in the mornings:
1) Nazi agriculture in the context of politics: eastward expansion, hunger policy, forced labor
2) The German Research Institute for Nutrition and Provisions (DVA) and its locations: Dachau, Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Mauthausen
3) History of ideas and concepts: biodynamic agriculture, nutrition research, Nazi race ideology and agricultural policy
Afternoon workshops will feature in-depth discuss of the lectures. In addition, there will be tours of the historic camp area and the former agricultural sites at Ravensbrück concentration camp.
You can find more information on the Thirteenth European Summer University in Ravensbrück at: www.ravensbrueck.de.
The 13th European Summer University in Ravensbrück is an event held by the Ravensbrück Memorial in collaboration with Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, the Center for Antisemitism Research at the Technical University in Berlin and the Chair for History of the Twentieth Century at Humboldt University in Berlin.

Propaganda poster for the experimental agricultural estates of the SS in Dachau, c. 1944