Book presentation: a new edition of Hans Beimler’s Im Mörderlager Dachau
Book presentation: a new edition of Hans Beimler’s Im Mörderlager Dachau

We are delighted that Friedbert Mühldorfer will
present his new edition of Hans Beimler’s Im
Mörderlager Dachau in the Dachau Memorial Site on Wednesday, November 28.
Hans Beimler, a key figure in the South Bavaria branch
of the German Communist Party, was sent to the newly setup Dachau concentration camp on April 25, 1933.
Detained in a solitary confinement cell he had to endure torture on a daily
basis until he succeeded in escaping in May 1933. Beimler published his account
Im Mörderlager Dachau in the same
year while in exile in Moscow.
A detailed description of the early terror methods of the SS, the work
instantly attracted attention worldwide. In 1935 and 1936 he organized
Communist resistance in southern Germany
from his base in Switzerland.
From November 1936 he fought with the International Brigade in the Spanish
Civil War. Hans Beimler was killed on December 1, 1936.
For many years his book was out of print. It was first
published again in 2011 in the original version, annotated with notes on the
context of its writing and the broader historical background by the historian
and grammar school teacher Friedbert Mühldorfer.
The presentation begins at 7 pm in the Visitor Center;
admission is free.