Book Presentation Dachauer Gedenkorte zwischen Vergessen und Erinnern
Book Presentation Dachauer Gedenkorte zwischen Vergessen und Erinnern

Thursday, December 1 2011, Kerstin Schwenke, a member of the Education
Department at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, presents her study Dachauer Gedenkorte zwischen Vergessen und
Erinnern – Die Massengräber am Leitenberg und der ehemalige SS-Schießplatz bei
Hebertshausen nach 1945. The presentation takes place in
cooperation with the Protestant Church of Reconciliation, where it shall also
begin at 7:30 p.m. Besides the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, opened
in 1965 and visited by several hundreds of thousands persons from across the
globe annually, there are two less well-known places of remembrance in Dachau:
the Leitenberg Memorial Cemetery, where the graves of over 7,400 dead from the
Dachau concentration camp are to be found, and the former SS shooting range at
Hebertshausen, where some 4,000 Soviet prisoners of war were murdered in
1941/42. Published in the series “Dachauer Diskurse”, the work shows how the
forms of remembrance at both locations have changed over the decades.