Book presentation on Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Book presentation on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On Wednesday,
September 21, 2011 Dr. Jörg Skriebeleit, director of the Flossenbürg
Concentration Camp Memorial Site, presents his dissertation published in 2009, Erinnerungsort Flossenbürg. Akteure,
Zäsuren, Geschichtsbilder. Here Jörg Skriebeleit pursues the question why
the Flossenbürg concentration camp, although it was turned into a memorial site
earlier than other locations, was soon one of the forgotten camps. He analyzes
the history of the perception and reception of the Flossenbürg site and
illuminates how the historical location was dealt with. Particular
consideration is given to the Flossenbürg local authority, which gradually came
to the view that the former concentration camp was a “location factor” and no
longer a stigma.
The presentation will begin at 7
p.m. in the Visitor Center of the Memorial Site. Admission is free of charge;
registration is not required