Due to overwhelming response: the dramatic reading “Mit uns fing alles an” to be staged at the Memorial Site in January 2014
Due to overwhelming response: the dramatic reading “Mit uns fing alles an” to be staged at the Memorial Site in January 2014

A dramatic reading focusing on
the first ever prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp in 1933, “Mit uns
fing alles an” (“It all began with us”), will take place on Wednesday, January
29, 2014, at 7 pm in the cinema of the Memorial Site; admission is free.
March 2013 was the 80th
anniversary of the opening of the Dachau
concentration camp. To mark the occasion the first prisoners of Dachau were remembered with a dramatic reading performance
in Munich’s
Schauburg theatre. The performance attracted such interest that it will be
staged again in 2014, this time at the Memorial Site itself.
Memories, letters, and accounts – read by ensemble
members of the Schauburg – impressively lend the first prisoners of 1933 a
voice. These are contrasted with a host of official documents such as
transportation lists, judiciary files and newspaper reports which illustrate
the dismantling of the young Weimar
democracy, the establishment of a dictatorship, and the fate of the first
prisoners 80 years ago.