Exhibition Opening: “Recording Survival. Photo Portraits by Elija Boßler”
Exhibition Opening: “Recording Survival. Photo Portraits by Elija Boßler”

For a number of
years now Elija Boßler, a nun at the Dachau Carmelite convent, has photographed
survivors who have returned to the place of their internment.
“Recording Survival. Photo Portraits by Elija
Boßler” was opened on April 29 and features 30 portraits of survivors of the Dachau concentration
camp. A Carmelite nun in the Dachau Heilig Blut convent, she has taken
impressive portraits since the 1980s at the site of the former concentration
camp. Above all the intimacy of the portraits had left a striking impression on
the curator Dr. Michaela Haibl, inspiring her to this exhibition. The accompanying
catalog provides information on the biographies of the survivors, some of whom
are still very active today. The exhibition is open until September 29 and
visitors have the opportunity to get to know these figures and their unknown
life stories – inspiring stories of survival.