“Fondo Coslovich” handed over to the Dachau Memorial Site
“Fondo Coslovich” handed over to the Dachau Memorial Site

On November 23 2011 the Italian historian Marco
Coslovich was a guest of the Memorial Site. Coslovich handed over some 150
interviews he has conducted since the 1980s with persons from Italy’s northeast persecuted by the Nazis, from
the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and the city
of Trieste. In
a short talk Marco Coslovich explained his work to an audience of around 40
attentive listeners.

Many of the contemporary witnesses have meanwhile died.
One of the interview partners, a woman over 80, no longer recognizes him on the
street. This, he says, is a symbol of the dwindling remembrance and underlines
the necessity of preserving the testimony of those persecuted by the Nazis.
Marco Coslovich’s gift will now be registered in the Memorial Site’s archive,
the footage digitalized and made accessible. Once work is concluded the
interviews will be available to users of the archive.