Bisherige Veranstaltungen


Livestream: Memory and Family Remembrance: The Family of Max Mannheimer

 |  01.05.2021  | 09:45—12:00

Eva and Judith Faessler, daughter and granddaughter of Dachau survivor Max Mannheimer, talk to Albert Knoll, Director Staff Unit of Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site.  [more]

Digitaler Live-Rundgang

English Prisoners in the Concentration Camp

 |  24.11.2020  | 16:00—17:00

A small number of the prisoners of the Concentration Camp Dachau was from the UK and one from Ireland. Who were they?  [more]

Digital Live Tour

The Crematory Grounds

 |  03.11.2020  | 16:00—17:00

The area of ​​the two camp crematoria, which was once separated from the actual prisoner camp, is one of the most important structural evidences of the former Dachau concentration  [more]


Education and memory in times of a global crisis II. International views on current projects from Ruanda to Israel

 |  28.10.2020  | 15:00—17:30

For the second time we have organized a workshop to shed some light on recent developments in historical education worldwide.  [more]

Online Live Tour

The camp brothel in the Dachau Concentration Camp

 |  20.10.2020  | 16:00—17:00

Brothels for prisoners in concentration camps. For a long time, this topic had not been broadly talked about in the (educational) work at memorial sites.  [more]

Online Live Tour

Prisoners’ drawings and paintings in the Dachau Concentration Camp

 |  13.10.2020  | 16:00—17:00

The main focus of this English tour with our guide Mette Therbild will be on examples of drawings and paintings, which were secretly done by prisoners in the Dachau Concentration   [more]

Online panel discussion

Contacts and relationships between camps and their neighbourhoods

 |  08.10.2020  | 18:00

This online panel will address the contacts and relationships between Nazi camps and their neighbourhoods.  [more]

Livestream: Three sites, three stations, many stories

 |  01.09.2020  | 15:00—16:00

Three sites, three stations, many stories – follow us live on Zoom or YouTube and listen to stories about the liberation of the concentration camps 75 years ago.  [more]


Education and memory in times of a global crisis

 |  04.08.2020  | 15:00—17:30

In an international workshop we will take a look at current educational practices at sites and institutions that deal with violent pasts in their countries or regions.  [more]

Online Live Tour

Propaganda and the concentration camp

 |  09.06.2020  | 16:00—17:00

The horrors of the Nazi concentration camps are now well known worldwide. Yet the concentration camps had started their brutal operation well before the WW2.  [more]