Digitaler Live-Rundgang
International Prisoners‘ Committee: Responsibility, Democracy, Brotherhood
| 07.05.2021 | 15:00—16:00

On the 28th of April, one day before the liberation of the concentration camp, a group of prisoners founded the International Prisoners’ Committee, made up of representatives of all major nationalities in the camp. It was an important example of democracy and brotherhood among the prisoners, seeking to overcome hatred, prejudice and nationalism. The Committee assumed responsibility and leadership for all its comrades. When the American liberators arrived, they recognized the Committee as the only legal institution to help them administer the liberated camp. It was faced with very difficult challenges. In this visit we will talk about the problems the Committee members encountered and how they tried to solve them.
Our digital live tours on Facebook
Although the Dachau Memorial is currently closed, there is an opportunity to take a look at the site and its history. During live tours on Facebook, we will present selected aspects of the history of the concentration camps and memorials in 45 minutes. We look forward to great interest and, of course, especially to comments and questions that we will answer live in a moment.
The live broadcast begins shortly before 4 p.m. directly on our Facebook page. The tour can also be followed without a Facebook account. The video will then be available on our YouTube channel
Participation is free and there are unlimited places.
Obwohl Rundgänge für Besuchergruppen derzeit nicht stattfinden können, gibt es die Gelegenheit, einen Blick auf das Gelände und seine Geschichte zu werfen. Bei Live-Rundgängen auf Facebook stellen wir in 45 Minuten ausgewählte Aspekte der KZ- und Gedenkstättengeschichte vor.
Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiches Interesse und natürlich ganz besonders auf Kommentare und Fragen, die wir gleich live beantworten werden.
Die Live-Übertragung startet kurz vor 16 Uhr direkt auf unserer Facebookseite. Im Anschluss wird das Video auf unserem YouTube-Kanal abrufbar sein.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und es gibt unbegrenzte Plätze.