Online Live Tour
The camp brothel in the Dachau Concentration Camp
| 20.10.2020 | 16:00—17:00

Die Bordellbaracke im KZ Dachau, 1945 (KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau)
Brothels for prisoners in concentration camps. For a long time, this topic had not been broadly talked about in the (educational) work at memorial sites. With this English tour, our guide Martina Henrici will give you an insight into the legislation concerning prostitution during National Socialism, into the system of camp brothels and the results of decades of neglect of this issue. The tour tackles a broad range of questions: how was prostitution in Germany dealt with after 1933? Who were the women, the female prisoners that had to work in these institutions? What was their daily life like? Where was the so called “Sonderbau” located in Dachau? Who asked for a visit? How was the topic approached after 1945?
Online guided tours on Facebook:
The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site is offering a special view on the area of the former Concentration Camp. Our online guided tours on facebook take you on a 45 minutes journey and discuss different topics of the history of the camp and the Memorial Site. We try to answer questions live during the tour on our facebook page, where the stream starts at 4 p.m.